With Growth-Driven Design to Data-Driven Web Design

What is Growth-Driven Design?

Growth-Driven Design (GDD) is the name of a progressive approach to website design, creation and optimisation.

You go online with a simplified version of the website. And then follows a continuous development of the website with ongoing optimisation and growth-oriented processes.

The advantages are short project phases, an always up-to-date and flexible website, as well as smaller investments and data-driven decisions.

In just 6 weeks your new, customer-centric web presence can already be online!


Why GDD with HubSpot?

HubSpot is probably the most effective CMS that can and should be used for GDD. The reasons for this include:

  • that you can code and design pretty much anything with the CMS,
  • with the themes, websites can be changed quickly by drag & drop,
  • website evaluations and statistics, as well as campaigns,
  • linking with existing tools,
  • safe, fast and always up to date...


Why combine GDD and Inbound Marketing?

If you want to get the most out of your marketing activities for your website, then combining Inbound Marketing with Growth-Driven Design is the way to go.

Inbound Marketing provides all the critical elements it takes to drive traffic to your website.

On the other hand, GDD deals with all the behind-the-scenes mechanisms that contribute to your visitors being positively delighted thanks to a perfectly coordinated website.


What is User Experience (UX) and why?

UX is the process of improving user satisfaction by optimising usability, accessibility and the efficiency of the user's interactions with the website.

In GDD, UX is an integral part. Through qualitative research and analysis, the goals, motivations and pain points of users can be observed in action. This is an advantage as it helps to develop an understanding of behaviours associated with collected data.

We build structured websites that encourage your visitors to interact with positive experiences.


Growth-Driven Design ist ein intelligenterer Weg, um Websites zu erstellen und optimale Ergebnisse mit Daten zu erzielen.

"Growth-Driven Design is a smarter way to build websites and achieve optimal results with data."

Growth-Driven Design vs. traditional Web Design

Growth-Driven Design

Is Agile and Customer Centric

A smart approach

  • Time and cost investment spread over time
  • Quickly online with a prototype
  • Based on current data and adapted strategies
  • Finished on time and within budget
  • Continuous improvement through analysis, feedback, tests, experiments and optimisation

Continuously optimised results

  • Data-driven decisions through up-to-date data
  • Better results month after month


Traditional Web Design

Is first conceived and then implemented over a period of months

An increased risk

  • High time investment and significant immediate costs
  • Website, will only be adapted or changed again after approx. 5 years
  • Based on old data and strategies without taking changes into account
  • Often finished too late and over budget
  • Expected results are not achieved

Unpredictable results

  • Based on assumptions, old data and strategies
  • No further and time optimisation

The three main phases of GDD

Launch pad website
Continuous imporvement


In the strategy phase, the following aspects flow:

  • Set company and website goal
  • UX (User Experience)
  • Create research and task list
  • Fundamental assumptions
  • Buyer Personae
  • Buyer's Journey Mapping
  • Website specific strategy
  • Create and prioritise wish list

Launch Pad Website

The development phase:

  • Conception of a quickly realisable and usable basic version
  • Implementation of sprint workshops
  • Effective content development
  • Investing in internal efficiency improvements (tools, workflows, communication...)

Continuous improvement

These are cyclical and repetitive steps:

  • Plan
  • Develop
  • Learn
  • Optimise
The Growth-Driven Design Methodik
The Growth-Driven Design Methodology combines Lean and Agile principles into a highly effective data-driven web design process.

12 reasons that speak for a HubSpot CMS

Security & SSL Certificate
Security & SSL Certificate

An availability of 99.99 % with backups, defence against threats and abuse as well as standard SSL certificate.

CDN With Content Delivery Network, your website is accessible even with high traffic, content and scripts are delivered quickly.
Website analysis
Website analysis

Get data on traffic, dwell time, performance, device types, page views and more to optimise for better results.

Intuitive Nutzung
Intuitive Nutzung

Leistungsstarker Drag & Drop Editor:  Webseiten einfach im WYSIWYG-Editor (What You See Is What You Get) erstellen und optimieren.

CTAs, Landing Pages and Forms
CTAs, Landing Pages and Forms

This gives you excellent tools to get visitors to interact with your website and become customers.

SEO The SEO tool checks your content for important search engine optimisation criteria and points them out to you.

With HubSpot CMS, you can easily manage multilingual content and optimise it for your visitors and search engines.

Adaptive Tests
Adaptive Tests

With the integrated A/B tests, you can create up to 5 variants of a website. The software analyses the traffic and determines the best variant.

Smart Content
Smart Content

This allows you to personalise and specifically deliver your content by persona(s), sources or lifecycle phase.

Marketing Campaigns
Marketing Campaigns

The HubSpot CRM is included free of charge. Contacts can be stored there and segmented for email marketing.

HubDB databases
HubDB databases

Dynamic content with database support: Create and easily update data tables for web content with HubDB.

Let's talk about your website!

>> Schedule a meeting